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Learning for Life: School's Not Out

Writer's picture: Melanie ReinersmanMelanie Reinersman

While the real estate field focuses on location, location, location, the rest of the world professes education, education, education. When education is viewed in a broad sense, it supports the value of lifelong learning. When education is limited to the once-popular, narrow sense of always obtaining a four-year college degree, then people suffer. Career professionals not only need to be aware of the different learning modalities, but can aim to assist clients in being open-minded about the goal of lifelong learning. Addressing clients' life skills and numerous educational options supports a holistic service philosophy. Maybe Dr. Seuss was talking about the world of work when he said, “The more that you learn, the more places you'll go!” ~ Melanie Reinersman,

Photo by MChee Lee on Unsplash

FOCUS ON: Learning for Life

Can you learn by yourself – outside of an institution? Yes! Start with a question, insert curiosity, then allow for failure. It is necessary to stop imposing rote, antecedent reactions to everything you face. Use your self-confidence to be an autodidact – a self-learner! Read how from New Intrigue.

JOB SEARCHING: Working Without a Degree

Because education is not tied to a college classroom, job seekers have several options after high school. Apprenticeships, community college, tech-programs, boot camps, and online learning platforms are available with varying costs and benefits. Working in the service industry or becoming an entrepreneur also offer an important kind of education that does not come from a degree. Lifelong skills, such as setting a budget, obtaining a mortgage, even negotiating a job offer are learned more often by workers not traditional students. Read the Guide to Not Going to College.


Savvy Business Models are one option for use by job seekers who prefer not to get an advanced degree. According to Bruce Hazen, career consultant and author of the article, “Business Model Basics for Clients’ Career Advancement: Getting Ahead without Getting an MBA”, clients can stand out in an interview if they have business savvy. Skills and knowledge are needed and clients need career practitioners to aid the exploration of the key elements of business strategies. Read more from Bruce Hazen.

COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY: Online Program Quality

Did the reactive responses to the pandemic hurt the success of remote learning? Are perceptions about digital learning in higher ed forever shifted? What criteria are most valid in the judgment of quality remote learning? Read answers to these questions and more in the free special report and podcast “The Evolving Conversation About Quality in Online Learning.”

TOP TEN: Ways to Study While Working

Many people choose to be a student while working full time, and it often is a financially-based decision. Whether seeking a degree or certification, balancing work and studies can be daunting, unless you follow these tips: have a plan, turn off the tv, and aim for good sleep. Don't forget to eat properly and take advantage of technology. Read all ten tips and share them with your students/clients. Read more.


“Education is not the filling of a pot but the lighting of a fire.” ~ W. B. Yeats
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi


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Career Development Alliance, LLC
David M. Reile, Ph.D., PCC, Managing Director
Barbara H. Suddarth, Ph.D., PCC, Executive Director

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