R/S Foundation
Dedicated to supporting the career development of individuals who have limited access to career services
United States
CDA authored the Career Development Facilitator (CDF) training curriculum for the National Career Development Association (NCDA) in 2000. This curriculum has been used to train thousands of career practitioners across the U.S. and we are proud that it has been designated as NCDA’s official CDF curriculum. We are currently developing a national exam that will be used as an additional resource in conjunction with this curriculum.
CDA responded to a request from the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) to customize its Career Development Facilitator (CDF) curriculum in order to train Offender Workforce Development Specialists (OWDS). These specialists assist ex-offenders in finding and keeping jobs during their transition back into the community. Thus far, over 1,000 career practitioners have completed this program, and in turn, have added value to the lives of tens of thousands of clients.
Each year, the R/S Foundation recognizes an individual or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to the field through human service, innovative career programming, and/or the provision of effective career services to underserved populations, nationally or internationally. This monetary award is given only to a member of the National Career Development Association (NCDA). Nominees for the award may be submitted to R/S Foundation in care of the Executive Director, Barbara H. Suddarth.
In 2008-09, CDA funded the training of ten Career Development Facilitators (CDFs), the first career professionals trained on the African continent. We are proud that a number of these individuals are going forward with additional studies in career development and human services and are confident that they will make a positive contribution to their communities. For example, in 2012, the R/S Foundation funded the National Career Development Association conference participation of one of the Kenyan career professionals. Additionally, the next level of CDF training was provided while this participant was here in the United States.
CDA’s Principals became interested in India through their ten-year service on the board of International Families, Inc., an international adoption agency, and the PEACE society, an orphanage in Coimbatoire, India. We collaborated with Dr. Narender Chadha of Delhi University, as well as representatives from partner universities, to successfully sponsor the creation of a national career development association for India (ICDA). We are hopeful that this will support academicians, business leaders, and career practitioners in India to benefit from the advancement of career development in the global community and that this, in turn, will lead to enhanced career programming for the people of India.
In 2012, the first issue of the Indian Journal of Career and Livelihood Planning (IJCLP) was published by the Indian Association for Career and Livelihood Planning (IACLP). The IJCLP is an electronic journal published online. It is peer reviewed by a panel of distinguished scholars both from India and abroad, including Associate Editor David Reile, CDA Principal.