It seems to be true that 65% of the time, you get what you ask for. Is this axiom true in the workplace? Other obvious factors include communication skills and prior experience with reaching agreement. The key may be to recognize the most important word in the definition of negotiation is “mutual”. ~ David M. Reile, Ph.D.

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FOCUS ON: Salary Negotiation Is Not Basic
Many people mistakenly believe that a salary negotiation is a straightforward, back-and-forth process. Helping clients broaden their definition of negotiation can be a crucial part of the career development process. Understanding that there are alternatives and focusing on collaboration with others are all useful techniques to consider when approaching a negotiation. Find some general guidelines and case studies for both beginning and seasoned negotiators here:
JOB SEARCHING: Helping Clients Be Savvy Communicators
Salary negotiation is often a daunting task for clients. However, as career development professionals, the best work goes beyond just teaching clients about resources they can use for salary research. Be sure to address how they communicate with their potential employers. To learn more professional and effective salary conversations tips to give clients, check out:
FOR PRACTITIONERS: Negotiation Skills for Consultants
While negotiation is a critical skill regardless of work environment, consultants are in a unique position in that many of their negotiations concern both client feedback and satisfaction. At the same time, consultants are often in the position of negotiation for new business or contracts. Knowing some specific strategies can help you, as a career development professional, support your clients – or can even sharpen your own skills. Read these essential strategies:
GENDER IN THE WORKPLACE: Helping Women Learn to Negotiate
Did you know that women are generally better than men when negotiating on behalf of someone else, yet are not as skilled when negotiating for themselves? As a career development professional, are you comfortable discussing how women may be perceived when negotiating with a male boss, and helping your female clients navigate that potential complication? The following article gives an overview of some concerns women may have when facing a negotiation at work, and offers practical steps to take in order to build confidence and see results:
TOP TEN: Salary Negotiation Mistakes
Negotiating salaries is a tricky proposition and clients typically ask for help so as to avoid costly mistakes. Making sure to refrain from focusing on a hard number and accepting or declining an offer too quickly are rookie mistakes. Tell clients the other eight to avoid by sharing this site:
Negotiation is linked to the word salary. It is so important, it is right up there with the Ten Commandments, according to Jack Chapman, author of “Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1,000 a Minute.” Chapman offers this epic 10 part series – start here with Salary Negotiation (Part 1)
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Everything is negotiable. Whether or not the negotiation is easy is another thing. - Carrie Fisher
For most women, the language of conversation is primarily a language of rapport: a way of establishing connections and negotiating relationships. - Deborah Tannen