Individuals and companies are benefiting from the massive transition occurring in work models. Study after study in the past two years supports the positive effects of a hybrid or remote work model in the areas of productivity, job satisfaction, talent retention, mental health, economy and even the environment. Of course, there are two sides to everything – many beautiful flowers have thorns. Whatever the reason for the desire for a different model, now that we've seen it, we can't go back to not seeing it. ~ Melanie Reinersman,

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FOCUS ON: What is Hybrid Work?
While definitions vary, a hybrid model of work involves a mixture of on-site and off-site work over a period of time for a set of employees. The benefits range from flexible hours, increased productivity, reduced exposure to illness, access to global talent and better work-life balance. Read more about the hybrid work model from Envoy.
GENDER IN THE WORKPLACE: The Effect of the Hybrid Model on Women
Will a hybrid work place increase inclusivity or support a hierarchy of employees (with those at home at the bottom)? Will companies make accommodations for what women need, given that a larger percentage of women stay home for the purpose of child care or domestic duties? Could a “two-tier system” arise, meaning masculine characteristics (e.g., working extreme hours in the office) determines success? Recognition of these questions, without answers, may not be enough. Read more from Grow.
FOR THE PRACTITIONER: Helping Clients Look at Working the Hybrid Way
Challenging questions and emerging answers face career coaches and workers on the topic of the hybrid model. Don't let the conversation turn into hybrid winners and losers. Do focus on creativity and balance for everyone involved. Discussions around accountability and psychological safety need space and time to occur. A holistic view of the hybrid situation accepts that with beautiful roses come painful thorns. Read more from the Institute of Coaching.
JOB SEARCH: Fast-Growing Hybrid Opportunities
Where can the hybrid jobs be found? Mostly in finance and insurance, according to job postings online. There are also opportunities in marketing, sales, and even HR. Read more about the fields offering hybrid work, including the average annual salary, from Grow.
TOP TEN: Books on Leading in Hybrid Work Environments
The need to continue to adapt, evolve and learn weighs heavy on leaders with hybrid teams. Pick up copies of “The Long-Distance Leader” and “Leading from Anywhere” for a good start. For a deeper dive into communication, try also reading “Digital Body Language” and “Subtle Acts of Exclusion”. See all ten from
“We like to give people the freedom to work where they want, safe in the knowledge that they have the drive and expertise to perform excellently, whether they [are] at their desk or in their kitchen.” ~ Richard Branson
“Establish a pre-work routine and an after-work routine. Working in the same place where you wake up, eat, and sleep can make anyone go crazy without proper boundaries in place." ~ Marissa Owens
"Successfully working from home is a skill, just like programming, designing or writing. It takes time and commitment to develop that skill." ~ Alex Turnbull