The 10th anniversary of CDA Insights could generate a desire to look back, however, that topic was already covered in the December 2021 “Don't Look Back” issue. Or, the anniversary could inspire a desire to look to the future, yet that was covered in the December 2022 issue, “Future Waves”. And, as you guessed it, the present was the theme of the December 2020 issue. With the past, present and future covered, what else could be the focus of the 10th anniversary issue? A scroll through the home page of CDA Insights reveals a broad range of published topics – all for the purpose of aiding the work of career development professionals. The very first issue, “Making a Million” explored the value of money. The second issue, “Working Moms” focused on a select population. Revisiting topics related to those two areas, values and populations served, this 10th anniversary issue invites readers to be present as we go back to the future! ~ Melanie Reinersman,

Photo adapted from Unsplash
FOCUS ON: Competencies Based on Knowing the Population Served
The minimum competencies of a career services professional, as defined by the National Career Development Association, involve a knowledge of the population served. Being competent in career development theory, individual/group counseling skills, knowledge of resources, program management/implementation/evaluation, and needs assessment all require a knowledge and consideration of the population being served. Pertinent population-specific issues must be considered by the professional to effectively perform the work that promotes the career development and functioning of individuals of all backgrounds. Read more about populations and competencies.
FOR PRACTITIONERS: Knowing the Client
For the counselor to connect with the client at the first meeting, a plan for the consultation should be followed. Optimal engagement can happen when the client receives an orientation or outline for the experience, a high-level exploration of the concern, a reflection or feedback, an example of the plan, and time for questions. Reviewing another counselor’s script for this first meeting may help with the first session with a client. Read more about engaging new clients.
Following the Great Resignation, which centered on working moms, came the Great Realignment, a new focus on working dads. Employer support for both of these populations may involve paternity leave (which tends to increase productivity and time management skills), flexibility (which lowers stress and relieves burnout), management training (particularly in the area of empathy), and senior role models (so as to normalize being an engaged working dad and mom). Read more about how an organization’s culture affects this unique population.
JOB SEARCHING: Aligning Core Values with Roles at Work
It is too easy to jump into the job search process and get caught up in looking for the best job in terms of prior experience or pay. Core values, also called beliefs, traits or principles, need to be explored and understood by the individual and then aligned with the employer’s core values. In the search process, this alignment aids in targeting job openings, responses to interview questions, and weighing offers. Read more about why to reflect on core values.
TOP TEN: Financial Planning Tips for Working Adults
Building a solid financial future while aiming to advance a career starts with setting goals. Managing a budget, maximizing retirement savings, and protecting against risks all contribute to the financial health of the worker. As life unfolds, don’t forget the value of a trusted financial advisor. Read more tips to aid the financial wellness of working adults – a common core value.
“Another great issue. 10 years!!! That's something to celebrate!!!” ~ David Reile
“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead.” ~ Nelson Mandela
In recognition of the 10th Anniversary of CDA Insights, all hashtags ever used are included in the list below. Click on a hashtag to see which issue covers that topic. While no guarantees can be made for the hashtag links to all issues, this list provides a good overview of the variety of topics CDA Insights has explored – and aims to explore in the future!
#accomplishment #advocacy #affirmation #analysis #anxiety #aspiration #assessment #attitude #balance #benefit #bias #brand #burnout #business #certification #challenge #change #college #communication #companies #competition #collaboration #confidence #culture #decision #degrees #development #discrimination #diversity #economy #education #effective #efficiency #emotional_intelligence #employment #empowerment #equity #ethics #executive #expectation #flexibility #focus #geography #gig #goals #growth #happiness #health #hiring #hope #improvement #inclusion #influential #inspiration #integrity #interview #jobs #justification #language #life #listening #leadership #learning #management #motivation #negotiation #online #organizations #opportunity #personality #philosophy #pivot #postsecondary #power #presentation #purpose #rapport #retirement #review #roles #salary #satisfaction #skills #social media #stereotypes #strategies #stress #student #success #supervisor #supervision #support #sustainability #time #team #technology #term #trades #traditional #training #transformation #transition #transparency #trust #unemployment #value #virtual #women